

County commissioners court exercising its authority under subsection 157.021(a), Local Government Code, establishing a 40-hour workweek for county employees may withhold partial salaries and benefits of county employees working less than the required hours so long as doing so does not preclude an independent, elected officer from fulfilling his or her core functions|Without discretion to withhold the payment of unbudgeted overtime, under subsection 157.021(b)(1), Local Government Code, when an emergency has been declared by a county or district officer, a county commissioners court is|County commissioners court may be precluded from seeking to recoup salary payments from employees for the time period the employees were dismissed by the officer’s declaring an emergency under subsection 157.021(b)(1), Local Government Code, if such an action prevents an elected officer from performing his or her core duties|County commissioners court may not without consent presume to deduct the emergency overtime under subsection 157.021(b)(1) from an officer’s budgeted allowances|Commissioners court exercising its authority under Local Government Code subsection 157.021(a) to establish a 40-hour workweek is implicitly authorized to mandate the method of timekeeping used by county employees|Withhold partial salaries and benefits of county employees working less than the required established workweek, so long as it does not preclude an independent, elected officer from fulfilling his or her core functions, a county commissioners court exercising its authority under subsection 157.021(a), Local Government Code, may|Salary payments from employees for the time period the employees were dismissed by an officer’s declaring an emergency under subsection 157.021(b)(1), Local Government Code, if such an action prevents an elected officer from performing his or her core duties, a county commissioners court may be precluded from seeking to recoup|Emergency overtime under subsection 157.021(b)(1) from an officer’s budgeted allowances, County commissioners court may not without consent presume to deduct the|Method of timekeeping used by county employees, Commissioners court exercising its authority under Local Government Code subsection 157.021(a) to establish a 40-hour

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