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Ini­cia­ti­va Con­tra La Tra­ta Y Trá­fi­co De Personas

La trata de personas es la esclavitud moderna. Es la explotación de hombres, mujeres y niños para trabajo forzado o sexo por un tercero con fines de lucro o ganancia.

Texas está a la vanguardia de la lucha contra este horrible crimen. En 2016, en una de sus primeras iniciativas importantes, el Procurador General Paxton formó la Sección de Trata de Personas y Crimen Transnacional / Organizado (HTTOC), encargada de combatir la trata de personas en todo nuestro estado.


Texas es el primer estado del país en hacer de la compra de sexo un delito grave


Más de 30.000 personas han recibido entrenamiento desde 2016


Años de prisión sentenciados para traficantes de personas desde 2016

Datos Sobre La Trata Y Tráfico De Personas

¿Qué es la trata de personas?

Human trafficking affects both adults and children, men and women, and people from all parts of Texas, the United States, and around the world.

There are four major types of trafficking:

Adult Sex Trafficking - Trafficking of adults for sex by force, fraud, or coercion in strip clubs, brothels, massage parlors, street prostitution, or internet prostitution.

Adult Labor Trafficking - Trafficking adults for labor by force, fraud, or coercion into industries, such as agriculture, food service, manufacturing, domestic servitude, or hospitality.

Child Sex Trafficking - Trafficking children, under the age of 18, by any means into the commercial sex industry.

Child Labor Trafficking - Trafficking children, under the age of 18, by force, fraud or coercion into industries such as agriculture, food service, manufacturing, domestic servitude, or hospitality.

¿La trata de personas puede ocurrir cerca de mí?

Human trafficking happens all over Texas, not just at the border, not just in big cities, not just in rural areas. Texas consistently has the 2nd highest number of calls to the National Human Trafficking Hotline every year.

¿Cuál es el papel de la Procuraduría General de Texas en la lucha contra la trata de personas?

The Attorney General’s Human Trafficking and Transnational/Organized Crime division assists law enforcement and prosecutors on human trafficking cases, pursues civil litigation against traffickers and businesses, assists victims with resources, engages the public through training, develops initiatives to enhance the state’s support and coordination of human trafficking efforts, and facilitates collaboration between federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutors. 

The OAG also presides over the Texas Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force and Coordinating Council. Established to increase collaborative efforts across the state, the Task Force and Coordinating Council bring together local, state, and federal agencies and nongovernmental partners to bring an end to human trafficking in Texas and address its impact. 

¿Qué debo hacer si sospecho que se está llevando a cabo la trata de personas?

Pay Attention 

Pay close attention to the people in your neighborhood and community. Report behaviors that might be evidence of human trafficking. Call as soon as possible after you make the observations. The fresher the information, the more likely law enforcement can take action. 

Don't Approach Traffickers 

Human traffickers are some of the most violent offenders in Texas. Don't approach them yourself. Instead, contact law enforcement and allow them to respond. 

Report suspicious activity:

In an emergency, dial 911.

To report suspected human trafficking in non-emergency situations, contact iWatchTexas at 844-643-2251 or You can also report using the iWatchTX app:

QR Code to Report

To obtain services for a victim of human trafficking, contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888 or text 233733. 

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