We proactively educate youth on the rights, responsibilities, and realities of parenting through the PAPA program.

Parenting and Paternity Awareness (PAPA) is an evidence-based, educational curriculum designed for young adults. It teaches them the benefits of waiting to become a parent until after they have completed their education, started a career, and are in a stable, committed relationship.

The PAPA program is a way school districts can comply with state law requiring high-school health to include a parenting and paternity awareness curriculum.

The Office of the Attorney General provides this free curriculum and training to teachers, school counselors, school nurses, teen parent program staff, and parent educators in community-based programs. These professionals are then equipped to educate the young adults with whom they work.

The training focuses on:

  • The importance of father involvement
  • The value of paternity establishment
  • Legal realities of child support
  • Financial and emotional challenges of single parenting
  • Benefits of both parents being involved in a child's life
  • Healthy relationship skills
  • Relationship violence prevention

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