The Criminal Prosecutions Division has four sections that aid local jurisdictions where the county may not have the expertise or the resources available to investigate or prosecute a complex case. They assist if a conflict of interest prohibits the local jurisdiction from taking part in the case.

  • The Human Trafficking and Transnational/Organized Crime Section is tasked with assisting local law enforcement and prosecutors in prosecuting human trafficking and related crimes, aids victims of human trafficking, and develops initiatives to improve coordination between state and local law enforcement agencies. The Human Trafficking and Transnational/Organized Crime Section provides training to law enforcement, prosecution, and non-governmental entities on human trafficking through outreach activities.
  • The White-Collar Crime and Public Integrity Section handles election law violations, fraud, and cyber crimes.
  • The Violent Crime and Major Offender Section specializes in prosecuting complex criminal cases including capital murders and sexual offenses involving victims who are children and cyber crimes.
  • Additionally, the Criminal Prosecutions Division oversees the Juvenile Justice Intervention Section (JJSI). The JJSI provides assistance and information on juvenile crime issues to local law enforcement through maintaining the gang information database and providing training to law enforcement personnel and school officials about gang activities.