Who is required to report human trafficking data?

  • The Department of Public Safety
  • Municipal police departments
  • Sheriff’s departments
  • Constable’s offices

Who in my organization needs to report the human trafficking data?

This will vary from organization to organization.  Please check with the head of your department to determine the responsible party for reporting this information to ensure that your organization remains in compliance with this legislative mandate.

Reporting requirement example when multiple defendants are identified and charged with separate offenses:

If John Smith is charged with Trafficking of Persons, DPS Offense Code 64110018, PC 20A.02(b), and Jane Smith is charged with Compelling Prostitution Under Age 18, DPS Offense Code 64070002, PC 43.05(b), you should submit two separate human trafficking case reports because both are mandatory-reporting offenses.

What data needs to be reported?

The following information must be reported:

  • the offense investigated, including the DPS offense code;
  • DPS offense codes have been added to the web submission form providing clear guidance when the reporting form is required;
  • suspect(s)’ full name, gender, race or ethnicity (as defined by CCP Article 2.132), country of origin (if the person is not a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident), date of birth, and age at the time of the offense, if available, and the case number associated with the person and the offense;
  • the date and location of the alleged offense, including the city and county;
  • the disposition of the investigation, if any, regardless of the manner of disposition;
  • victim(s)’ age, gender, race or ethnicity (as defined by CCP Article 2.132), country of origin (if the person is not a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident); and
  • information regarding any victims' service organization or program to which the victim was referred, if available.

What if I have no cases to report?

Even if you have no cases to report, you must submit a form to remain in compliance under Article 2.305.  Please fill out ALL the Required Contact Information so that we can identify your organization when reporting to the legislature and simply check the box indicated for no case reports.  Please submit a new report at each biannual filing date.

What if I already submit information to UCH and/or UCR?

The reporting requirements under Article 2.305 are in addition to and separate from other reporting requirements.  You must comply with the reporting requirements under Article 2.305 regardless of whether you currently report the same information to other entities.

How do I report the human trafficking data?

All information must be complete, current, and accurate. The Office of the Attorney General requests that, at a minimum, this information be submitted by April 1 and October 1 of every year.

When do I need to submit the human trafficking data?

Data must be submitted biannually, at a minimum, on April 1 and October 1 of each year. Please note, a separate form must be submitted for each new offense.  Forms may be submitted as the offense occurs or may be submitted all at once by the biannual reporting deadline.

How can I make sure I am in compliance with Article 2.305 of the Code of Criminal Procedure?

For more information, please refer to Article 2.305 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and 1 TAC §§ 54.90 and 54.91.

Further Questions?

Please contact us at [email protected]. We will do our best to assist you as questions arise and will respond as soon as possible to your inquiry.