

In Education Code subsection 12.128(c), the Legislature has set aside public property for control by the Commissioner of Education such that it is not unappropriated property for the Permanent School Fund under Education Code subsection 43.001(a)(2).|In Education Code subsection 12.128(c), the Legislature has set aside public property such that it is not unappropriated property for the Permanent School Fund under Education Code subsection 43.001(a)(2).|Texas Constitution article III, sections 51 and 52(a) prohibit the Commissioner of Education from gratuitously granting property returned to the State pursuant to Education Code section 12.128 to private interests.|Permanent School Fund - In Education Code subsection 12.128(c), the Legislature has set aside public property such that it is not unappropriated property for the Permanent School Fund under Education Code subsection 43.001(a)(2).

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