Los Procedimientos del Capítulo 123 Que Involucran Un Fideicomiso Caritativo y Otro Aviso Al Procurador General

El capítulo 123 del Código de Propiedad de Texas requiere notificación al Procurador General por parte de cualquier parte que inicie un procedimiento que involucre un fideicomiso caritativo. Un fideicomiso caritativo está ampliamente definido para incluir la mayoría de los procedimientos que afectan a la caridad, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, procedimientos que involucran fideicomisos con un propósito caritativo, corporaciones benéficas sin fines de lucro y legados testamentarios a la caridad.

El aviso se realiza enviando al Procurador General, por correo postal certificado o registrado, una copia verdadera de la petición u otro instrumento que inicia el procedimiento que involucra un fideicomiso caritativo dentro de los 30 días de la presentación de dicha petición u otro instrumento, pero no menos de 25 días antes de una audiencia en dicho procedimiento. No se requiere notificación si el procedimiento es iniciado por una solicitud no impugnada que solicita exclusivamente la admisión de un testamento a legitimación.

Dirija su correspondencia a la siguiente dirección postal:

Financial Litigation and Charitable Trusts Division
Office of the Attorney General
P.O. Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711-2548

La falta de notificación requerida hará que cualquier juicio resultante sea nulo o acuerdo anulable tras una moción del Procurador General.

Tenga en cuenta que es inapropiado nombrar al Procurador General como parte necesaria en un procedimiento que involucre un fideicomiso caritativo. El Procurador General revisará el procedimiento para determinar si una intervención está justificada.

Para Acelerar la Examinación del Procurador General de Procedimientos del Capítulo 123

Proporcionar la siguiente información puede acelerar la revisión de su procedimiento por parte del Procurador General:

Otras Disposiciones Que Requieren Notificación

Además del Capítulo 123 del Código de Propiedad de Texas, varias otras disposiciones legales requieren notificación al Procurador General como protector del interés público en la caridad. El aviso bajo estos estatutos a menudo se requiere cuando hay cambios en un fideicomiso caritativo o cuando hay un interés caritativo, pero no hay ninguna organización benéfica nombrada que pueda ser notificada con respecto a un fideicomiso o asunto de patrimonio o regalo de caridad. El siguiente es un breve resumen de estos requisitos de notificación legal:

Expediting Attorney General Review of Chapter 123 Proceedings

Providing the following information may expedite the AG’s review of your proceeding:

Other Required Notice Provisions

In addition to Chapter 123 of the Texas Property Code, several other statutory provisions require notice to the Attorney General as protector of the public interest in charity. Notice under these statutes is often required when there arechanges to a charitable trust or when there is a charitable interestbut there is no named charity that can be notified of a trust or estate issue or charitable gift.The following is a brief summary of these statutory notice requirements:

Brief Description Statutory Reference Notice Requirement
Amending a charitable trust to be consistent with IRS provisions for tax exemption Texas Property Code §112.056 Certain charitable trusts may be amended upon consent of the settlor to comply with IRS requirements. Notice is effective when a duplicate original is filed with the attorney general.
“Decanting” – Trustee exercise of powers of distribution from one trust to another in furtherance of trust Texas Property Code, Chapter 112, Subchapter D, §112.074 (see also §112.078) Notice required if a charity is a beneficiary, including a presumptive remainder beneficiary or when the trustee has authority to distribute to a charity or for charitable purposes.
Selecting a replacement charitable beneficiary when the named charitable beneficiary of a trust has ceased to exist Texas Property Code §113.026 Notice required if trustee and settlor desire to replace charitable beneficiary when named charitable beneficiary of trust fails.
“Orphan Trust” - Relocating the administration of a charitable trust Texas Property Code §113.030 Notice required of intent to relocate the grant-making function of a charitable entity.
Notice of an action on a contract involving a charitable trust Texas Property Code §115.015 Plaintiff in an action on a contract involving a charitable trust must prove that before the 31st day after the date the action began, or any court approved date that is more than 30 days before judgment, notice was provided to the AG.
Judicial proceeding involving a charitable trust Texas Property Code Chapter 123. Notice requirement at §123.003. See also Texas Property Code §115.011. Notice required via certified or registered mail, within 30 days of filing of the pleading but no less than 25 days prior to a hearing.
Release or modification of restrictions the management, investment or purpose of an institutional fund under UPMIFA Texas Property Code §163.007(b) and (c) – Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act Chapter 123 applies to judicial proceedings brought to modify an institutional fund under UPMIFA.
Release or modification of restrictions the management,investment or purpose of a small institutional fund under UPMIFA Texas Property Code §163.007(d) – Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act Institution seeking to release or modify a restriction on a small fund may do so without court action. Notice citing facts sufficient to meet the statutory requirements is mandated at least 60 days prior to such release or modification.
Disclaimer of interest Texas Property Code §240.0081 -Texas Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act Requires a trustee who is disclaiming an interest in property that would cause the interest not to become trust property without court approval to give notice to the Attorney General if a charity is entitled to notice; a charity entitled to notice is no longer in existence; the trustee has the authority to distribute trust assets to one or more charities that are not named in the trust instrument; or the trustee has the authority to make distributions for a charitable purpose described in the trust instrument, but no charity is named as a beneficiary for that purpose.
Judicial modification or reformation of will Texas Estates Code §§255.451-255.455 Chapter 123, Texas Property Code, requiring notice to the Attorney General, applies to a proceeding under §255.451(a) that involves a charitable trust.
Decedent’s Will includes charitable beneficiary that cannot be notified Texas Estates Code § 308.002(b)(4) and §308.003 Notice that complies with Texas Estates Code §308.003 is required not later than the 60th day after the date of an order admitting the will to probate, if a charity is a beneficiary under the Will and cannot be notified. Notice must be by registered or certified mail.
Validity of defective corporate acts Texas Business Organizations Code §22.516 Notice is required of a judicial proceeding brought under § 22.512 if the organization is a charitable entity. (Effective September 1, 2019)